Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Fond Adieu to the Alex boutique @ 19th and I, NW

The closing of Alex (boutique) today marks the end of an era. If you were lucky enough to snag a ticket to the District Sample sale tonight, you were rewarded with one last hurrah for a DC boutique that offered up a bit of whimsy with every purchase. Thanks, Liberty for adding a dash of Euro chic to my wardrobe. (Picture of Jackie, runway model and former Alex employee at 2006 Capital Catwalk wearing a yellow satin gown by DC's own April Reddick)

Ode to Alex:
When news spread that Alex would be under new ownership, couture aficionados throughout the area shed a collective tear. Would their beloved downtown boutique still present a reason to take a 2 hour lunch? Don and Liberty, proprietors since October 2004, put an end to the questions with their eclectic mix of vintage and modern fashion “forward and replayed.” Known for having the best sales in the area (sometimes as much as 75% off), Alex offers everything needed to be a stunner; unique shoes and boots, hand crafted jewelry, Latico wallets, French suits, and top designer brands including, Tracey Reese and Chanel. With Tower Records around the corner, you'll have at least an hour to make up your mind and load up the car. (An Excerpt by moi taken from Unique Places published December 2006 by Crown Guides)


BomTrown said...

fashion is tough right? why'd they close down?

Anonymous said...

Try Dress Shirt instead of your suit,it more fashionable.