Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fashion Credibilty

Who is Simone (aka Mariessa) anyway? Well Darling, quite simply, I am the self proclaimed DC Style Maven on a mission since 2003 to brand WDC as a world class fashion destination! I was born at the Columbia Hospital for Women in the 1970’s to two hard working DC public school teachers. My family of five stayed during the great PG County migration. Today, I am the Founding Partner of Simone’s Butterfly, a boutique trademark law firm specializing in protecting fashion goods and services for upstart designers and entrepreneurs. ( ) I have lived all over WDC from Hillcrest Heights to Capitol Hill; from Columbia Heights to Brookland. Presently, I live in Mt. Pleasant with my husband and my cat, Chaka Khan.

To say I love fashion does not really capture my zeal for the industry. I love what fashion represents. To me it is an ideal that allows you to be at your best and most creative. It is less about logo laden accessories and more about personal expression. Fashion is possible without any money and without any prospect money. In fact it is an attitude, a swagger that comes from within. “Tracy” (that effervescent fashion designer in Mahogany) displayed it as she stood in a Chicago welfare line. I believe that fashion is contagious. So, I entreat you to pass it on. Finally, DC has caught it. And I am pleased as punch!

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